Ready to code your first Phonegap App with Mobile Angular Ui? In the following tutorial I will show you how. I will create a super simple Weather app, covering the basics of setting up and coding relevant part of it.


You should have node and npm installed in your machine to follow this tutorial. We assume you can run your Phonegap application somehow (Android SDK, IOS Simulator, deploy to device).

Why not just Twitter Bootstrap and Angular Ui?

Well there is no problem using them as they are, except that they are not designed for mobile.

Bootstrap claims its stylesheets to be mobile-first, and yes they are, but this does not mean that it is ready for mobile. Touch browser/devices does not like :hover styles, and you'll have a lot of responsive stuffs you wont need at all in most cases.

Plus Bootstrap/AngularUi components are not designed to support a mobile interaction properly, as well as they leak some basic components often used in mobile development, i.e sidebars, scroll areas, switches and more.


Installing required tools

npm install -g bower yo gulp generator-mobileangularui
sudo npm install -g phonegap

Scaffold the project

phonegap create weather
cd weather
yo mobileangularui

Be patient.. this may take a few minutes until npm finishes to install.

Build your project for the first time

gulp build

Run the application

Now to be sure that everything is ok let's try to run your app.

phonegap run ios # or android, or whatever is your target

If this is the first time you'll run phonegap with the choosen target it may complains about missing dependencies.. no fear, just install them and retry.

If everything went fine you should see something like this:

Coding your application

The project structure

After the installation is over your project folder should contain:

Looking at the src folder now it should appear to be something like this:

├── html
│   └── index.html
├── images
├── js
│   ├── app.js
│   ├── controllers
│   │   └── main_controller.js
│   ├── directives
│   └── services
├── less
│   ├── app.less
│   ├── mixins.less
│   ├── responsive.less
│   └── variables.less
└── templates
    ├── home.html
    └── sidebar.html

Gulpfile and build process

Before to start hacking the scaffolded sources you may wish to know what happens when you run: gulp build. Well this is an explanation of what it does:

  1. Clean www folder for *.html, fonts, js, css, images (that's why you should not code there). config.xml from Cordova is preserved.
  2. Copy html files from src/html folder to www root
  3. Copy vendor fonts to www/fonts
  4. Minify and copy images from src/images to www/images
  5. Compile and minify app.less and responsive.less. For app.less it also strips any responsive media query that wont match a screen of 0px and strip the :hover selectors (saved in a separate file), this will let you code for mobile only in app.less and support responsiveness elsewhere. This also allow to mobilize 3rd party stylesheets that are designed to be responsive and target non-touch devices too.
  6. Concat vendor js (including angular and default deps), src/js/**/*.js (automatically sorted according to angular dependency) and minify to www/js/app.min.js using a source map to help debugging.

Configuring/Customizing the build process

The build process is realized as a regular gulpfile.js. Anyway some common options are exposed through a config.js file.

config.js content is almost self-explanatory:

module.exports = function(config) {

  // Output directory
  config.dest = 'www';

  // Inject cordova script into html
  config.cordova = true;

  // Images minification
  config.minify_images = true;

  // Development web server = '';
  config.server.port = '8000';

  // Set to false to disable it:
  // config.server = false;

  // Weinre Remote debug server

  config.weinre.httpPort = 8001;
  config.weinre.boundHost = 'localhost';

  // Set to false to disable it:
  // config.weinre = false;

  // 3rd party components
  // config.vendor.js.push('.bower_components/lib/dist/lib.js');
  // config.vendor.fonts.push('.bower_components/font/dist/*');


Enough.. start to code!

Our app will:

Wrapping deviceready event.

We could handle deviceready in many ways. For now we will just make it more angular-friendly isolating it in a service. deviceready will be exported as a function accepting a callback.

We will also make it cordova-agnostic invoking the callback immediately when cordova is not running.

This way we hopefully speed up development using a regular browser to test our app.

touch src/js/services/cordova.js
angular.module('', [])

.factory('deviceReady', function(){
  return function(done) {
    if (typeof window.cordova === 'object') {
      document.addEventListener('deviceready', function () {
      }, false);
    } else {

Using Cordova Geolocation

Install the cordova plugin:

cordova plugin add org.apache.cordova.geolocation

Define a Geolocation module for geolocation related services:

touch src/js/services/geolocation.js
angular.module('', [

Gulp will automatically take care of file ordering according to Angular module dependencies for us, so we can code without concerning about it.

Define a service to retrieve the current position:

.factory('getCurrentPosition', function(deviceReady, $document, $window, $rootScope){
  return function(done) {
      }, function(error){
          throw new Error('Unable to retreive position');

Here you may have noticed two thing:

  1. $rootScope.$apply: since Cordova js yields to underlying native code callbacks will run in a different js turn (they are asynchronous for real), thus to make angular capture them in its event loop we have to resort to $apply.

  2. This code will work both in HTML5 web browser and in phonegap. This is due to the way we defined deviceReady and because navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition is part of HTML5 Geolocation API.

Requesting the Weather Forecast

For our example we will use a free api service from OpenWeatherMap.

Lets define another angular service to handle it.

touch src/js/services/forecast.js
angular.module('', [])

.factory('getWeather', function($http){
  return function(lat, lng, done) {
    $http({method: 'GET', url: ''+lat+'&lon='+lng})
        .success(function(data, status, headers, config) {
        .error(function(data, status, headers, config) {
          throw new Error('Unable to get weather');

This time we don't need $apply cause $http handles it for us.

Put things together

Now that we have our service layer we can use it in our main controller.

angular.module('WeatherApp.controllers.Main', [

.controller('MainController', function($scope, getCurrentPosition, getWeather){
      function(location, weather){
        $scope.location = location;
        $ = weather;

Displaying the results

Change home.html to make result appear:

<section class="section container-fluid">
<div bs-panel title="\{{location}}">

Test/Debug in a Web Browser

Now that we have done with the code we wish to see our amazing and super-useful app in action.

Since we coded it wisely now we should be able to use a plain HTML5-ready web browser to test it.

Go back to our command prompt and issue:


Now we have built our source and have a web server listening on localhost:8000, a weinre server at localhost:8001, and a watch task rebuilding on code changes.

That said we can open http://localhost:8000/ to see the result of our hard work.

Be aware that the console should complain for a missing cordova.js. That's ok since we are not running cordova at all.

Test/Debug in Phonegap

Again run the default gulp task to build/watch sources and start weinre:


Then in a separate shell issue

phonegap run ios # or any other target

If everything went fine we should be able to see something like this now:

Debugging with Weinre

If errors arises running our app in Phonegap we can use Weinre to figure out what happened.

Mobile Angular Ui boilerplate ships with a gulp task for Weinre.


gulp weinre

or just the default


A weinre server is started at localhost:8001.

All we need to do is point a browser to that address and interact with our app through Weinre UI. Be aware that we have to wrap our code in try/catch and handle error logging manually in order to see runtime errors in Weinre.

Also we may experience problems with console.log/console.error as well.

A raw trick to overcome this is to have your error/messages stored in global vars we can dump at any time in weinre:

.controller('MainController', function($scope, getCurrentPosition, getWeather){
  try {
      getWeather(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude, function(location, weather){
        $scope.location = location;
        $ = weather;
  } catch(e) {
    window.error = e;


This part will be covered in a separate tutorial. Stay up to date:

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