Start learning Mobile Angular UI


Mobile Angular UI lets you create HTML5 hybrid mobile apps and desktop apps with twitter Bootstrap and Angular JS.

What follows is a walk through documentation. I strongly encourage you to continue reading this and then go on with the more detailed Getting Started Guide.

Learning by Examples

Demo is a great way to learn Mobile Angular UI.

You can download it with sources from here:

Just open the archive after download ends and browse the demo folder inside.

If you're familiar with Angular just looking at index.html and demo.js will make you ready to start your own application in minutes.

Learn what to include and how


Mobile Angular UI redistributes parts of Twitter Boostrap css. Bootstrap stylesheets are extended with styles for mobile friendly components and then are passed through a processor to split their rules in 3:

  • mobile-angular-ui-base.css: Mobile rules
  • mobile-angular-ui-hover.css: Hover rules
  • mobile-angular-ui-desktop.css: Desktop rules

This way you will be able to include only what you need in order to target your devices.


Mobile Angular Js is composed of three foundamental angular modules:

  • core: those features any mobile/desktop app could benefit of.
  • components: angular directives and services to support introduced UI components.
  • gestures: services and directives to handle touches easily.

Both core and components are part of mobile-angular-ui.js, while gestures is distributed in a separate file: mobile-angular-ui.gestures.js.

Read getting-started/#distributed-package-content for more.

Main concepts

Styling and Components

Mobile Angular UI is a close relative of Twitter Bootstrap.

Mobile Angular UI actually grabs original bootstrap.css sources and manipulates them a little to achieve mobile-friendly look and feel. It retains most of components markup so refer to their documentation for basic styling and components.

Along with basic components of bootstrap MAUI introduces some newer ones:

And overrides bootstrap.css in order to make it more Angular friendly:

All of the components that were hidden by default now are displayed by default. This makes it easier to integrate with ng-if/ng-show/ng-hide.

So be aware that in Mobile Angular UI bootstrap components like:

  • Modals
  • Dropdowns

Are always displayed unless you don't do anything.

Read Differences with Bootstrap 3 for more.


Looking to demo/index.html will give you a complete picture of how a Mobile Angular UI application layout is structured.

It is very close to any Bootstrap layout. But you may notice some special setup for sidebars, navbars and placeholders for code "inherited" from internal views.

Read Basic Layout for more.


In Mobile Angular UI global scroll is disabled completely. This way your life will be easier to handle multi-col scroll and fixed navbars.

To make scrollable contents you will use Scrollable Areas.

Moving markup

Capture module exposes services and directives that will help you to reproduce master/details pattern.

The capture module exposes directives to let you extract markup which can be used in other parts of a template using uiContentFor and uiYieldTo directives.

It provides a way to move or clone a block of markup to other parts of the document.

content-for/yield-to behaviour is inspired by Ruby On Rails equivalents, but bear in mind that in Mobile Angular UI those directives do not append: they replaces.

SharedState service and ui-* directives

Mobile Angular UI components are not limited to an enumeration of hundred of directives you'd have to learn and remember.

Unlike many other UI framework you will create most of the components all in the same way.

This will give you the maximum flexibility to customize the behaviour of your app and widgets without the need to learn different syntax neither having to write js code your own.

Anyone started developing with angular.js has been tempted to do something like this:

  $scope.activeTab = 1;

  $scope.setActiveTab = function(tab){
    $scope.activeTab = tab;
<div class="tab-nav">
  <a ng-click="setActiveTab(1)">Tab1</a>
  <a ng-click="setActiveTab(2)">Tab2</a>
  <a ng-click="setActiveTab(3)">Tab3</a>
<div class="tabs">
  <div ng-if="activeTab == 1">Tab1</div>
  <div ng-if="activeTab == 2">Tab2</div>
  <div ng-if="activeTab == 3">Tab3</div>  

Mobile Angular UI offers you a more generic and managed way to do that: SharedState service and ui-* directives.

SharedState allows to use elementary angular or angularish directives to create complex components. This way you will be able to:

  • create complex components using HTML only
  • have your controller free from UI logic
  • have ng-click available for something else
  • trigger UI actions responding to any event
  • export state of components to urls
  • share the state of a component with the rest of the UI
<div class="tab-nav" ui-state='activeTab'>
  <a ui-set="{activeTab: 1}">Tab1</a>
  <a ui-set="{activeTab: 2}">Tab2</a>
  <a ui-set="{activeTab: 3}">Tab3</a>
<div class="tabs">
  <div ui-if="activeTab == 1">Tab1</div>
  <div ui-if="activeTab == 2">Tab2</div>
  <div ui-if="activeTab == 3">Tab3</div>

ui-state creates a sort of special global variable that is visible from everywhere but is bound to the scope of the element that declares it.

Looking at docs and other section of demo you should be able to figure out how to recreate most common components like: accordions, tabs, dropdowns and more using ui-* directives.

See demo/toggle.html and SharedState docs for more.

Gestures and Touch

Mobile Angular Ui aims to solve most of common problems while developing with html on mobile devices.

By just requiring mobile-angular-ui as a dependency for your app you will get already:

  • reliable and fast touch-scroll polyfill
  • Fastclick
  • nobounce / touchmove default prevention hacks

Please note that ngTouch as it is now will not play well with Mobile Angular UI, especially with fastclick.js.

Mobile Angular Ui offers services to support touch enabled devices at best, and they has an interface similar to ngTouch so you can use it as a drop in replacement.

The mobile-angular-ui.gestures module has powerfull directives and services to support touch, swipe and drag gestures, and it does not need any .css to work.

Just see how simple it is to create an Android clock like widget:




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