The capture module exposes directives to var you extract markup which can be used in other parts of a template using uiContentFor and uiYieldTo directives.

It provides a way to move or clone a block of markup to other parts of the document.

This method is particularly useful to setup parts of the layout within an angular view. Since blocks of html are transplanted within their original $scope is easy to create layout interactions depending on the context. Some tipical task you can accomplish with these directives are: setup the navbar title depending on the view or place a submit button for a form inside a navbar.


Declare it as a dependency to your app unless you have already included some of its super-modules.

angular.module('myApp', ['mobile-angular-ui']);


angular.module('myApp', ['mobile-angular-ui']);


angular.module('myApp', ['mobile-angular-ui.core.capture']);

Use ui-yield-to as a placeholder.

<!-- index.html -->

<div class="navbar">
  <div ui-yield-to="title" class="navbar-brand">
    <span>Default Title</span>

<div class="app-body">
  <ng-view class="app-content"></ng-view>

Use ui-content-for inside any view to populate the ui-yield-to content.

<!-- myView.html -->

<div ui-content-for="title">
  <span>My View Title</span>

Since the original scope is preserved you can use directives inside ui-content-for blocks to interact with the current scope. In the following example we will add a navbar button to submit a form inside a nested view.

<!-- index.html -->

<div class="navbar">
  <div ui-yield-to="navbarAction">

<div class="app-body">
  <ng-view class="app-content"></ng-view>
<!-- newCustomer.html -->

<form ng-controller="newCustomerController">

  <div class="inputs">
    <input type="text" ng-model="" />

  <div ui-content-for="navbarAction">
    <button ng-click="createCustomer()">

app.controller('newCustomerController', function($scope, Store){
  $scope.customer = {};
  $scope.createCustomer = function(){
    // ...

If you wish you can also duplicate markup instead of move it. Just add duplicate parameter to uiContentFor directive to specify this behaviour.

<div ui-content-for="navbarAction" duplicate>
  <button ng-click="createCustomer()">

    ui-content-for makes inner contents to replace the corresponding ui-yield-to placeholder contents.

    uiContentFor is intended to be used inside a view in order to populate outer placeholders. Any content you send to placeholders via ui-content-for is reverted to placeholder defaults after view changes (ie. on $routeChangeStart).


    The id of the placeholder to be replaced


    If present duplicates the content instead of moving it (default to false)

      ui-yield-to defines a placeholder which contents will be further replaced by ui-content-for directive.

      Inner html is considered to be a default. Default is restored any time $routeChangeStart happens.


      The unique id of this placeholder.

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